Fitnesscourse exclusive for women

Two month duration, held in german and english


This fitness course has a duration of two month and will be held during October and November 2017. Limited spots only!


The Course starts on 2.10.2017 on Mondays and Thursdays for a total of 18 classes. Each class has a duration of 55 minutes and a maximum of 12 women may attend a class. Classes will be held in german and english.



Group I: 8:30 - 9:25

Group II: 9:30 - 10:25


Investment: EUR 80,--/month


Trainingscenter: monkeyfit, Herrengasse 17, Kittsee (right at the opposite of the Zielpunkt parking lot)


For binding registrations click -->  Registration Button.

Last possible day for registration: 30.9.2017


For additional informations (in german) pls click --> HERE


Mo. 2.10.2017

Do. 5.10.2017

Mo. 9.10.2017

Do. 12.10.2017

Mo. 16.10.2017 Do. 19.10.2017
Mo. 23.10.2017 Fr. 27.10.2017
Mo. 30.10.2017 Fr. 2.11.2017
Mo. 6.11.2017 Do. 9.11.2017
Mo. 13.11.2017 Do. 16.11.2017
Mo. 20.11.2017 Do. 23.11.2017
Mo. 27.11.2017 Do. 30.11.2017

Due to the public holidays on   26.10.2017 and 1.11.2017 the classes will be held the friday right after the holidays (see the date in the schedule)

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